When women in business becomes about women. In business.

Lori Kirstein
4 min readOct 4, 2020

Now that a lot of women, some due to the demands of COVID, are jumping into entrepreneurship, it’s time to take a look at the playing field and — frankly — plant some flowers, maybe put in a maze or two, put a long table down and load it up with everything from people and food to colored pencils and paper to laptops and a drawing board and a place for storytelling, and redefine the whole damn thing in an image that has never existed before! We need to insert feminine qualities and practices into a system that has been unrelievedly masculine and control-based for as long as it has been around.

My work as a business coach breaks with all of the business “shoulds” when it comes to what is needed to begin, and to succeed. We begin with the human — YOU. And we move through the whole process with your personal growth as the waves on which your business ebbs and flows — rather than defining your “success” as a professional by your bank account only.

That’s right. There is a different benchmark, a different starting point and a completely transformational mode of creative business-building! There is! And we have got it! We just need to birth it, together, into existence!

First, we need to honor our own selves, our own needs, our own ideas, our own vision, and in so doing we need to live our business lives in a whole different way — as an expression of all of our lives. Because our businesses — our time spent creating — is us. We are birthing not just new businesses — but new ways of defining what business even IS!

That’s right! We women who are walking into creating our own lives — including creating our own income streams! — are co-creating a NEW playing field. And it is one that hasn’t existed before.

“Say what?

Here are the facts:

Business traditionally operates in the following fashions:

  • Puts data ahead of human considerations; the financial bottom line is King.
  • Relegates human needs and considerations — soft skills, bumps in the road of one’s personal life, emotional settings, psychological strengths, personal abilities of all types — to the closet. You may get a delivery of a little “food” now and then, but that part of you, the human part, is never invited to be present at the banquet.
  • There is no banquet. Rewards are financial and promotional. Period. Who you are as a person is not sought out, utilized, recognized nor rewarded.

There is a lot more, but you get the idea. Money first, humans last, creativity nowhere.

Women are not generally built this way. (Spoiler alert: Neither are men. But the system was built by men over 150 years ago and societally we all, women and men, have adhered for different reasons.)

But women especially are built for this new mode of creation! Connection, communication, mutual support, emotional intelligence, community-building, serving the greater whole.

Not every single woman thinks in this way, but women as a whole…well, as a general rule we just don’t feel that passion and lust for money as The Whole Goal, while men have the “provider” label all over them — among other things — and so they play the Bottom Line game.

Not all men are doing this. Check out this quote from serial entrepreneur Ajit Nawarkhal from his book “Live Big”:

“As an entrepreneur, you need to know that your business isn’t an entity. It’s an experience. It’s unfolding at every moment — when you work with a client, when you develop your marketing, when you lead your team. Every moment is vital. Critical.

“And every moment is also an emotional roller coaster. You’ll feel challenged. You’ll wonder if it will all work out. You’ll have doubts. Questions. You’ll hear suggestions that push you to the limits of your belief system that are in direct opposition to popular consensus or to what most people would call ‘common sense’.

“The only way to handle the chaos and the crazy beauty of it all is this: know that growing your business is actually about growing yourself. It’s about expanding into your potential.”

May I simply say: Wow! Also: Hell yeah!

My book The Human Solution — can be pre ordered here: publishizer.com/the-human-solution

As we women step forward and create businesses, we now have an opportunity to create them in — so to speak — our image.

We can include an honoring of emotion — its strengths as an indivisible part of emotional intelligence — as well as a great respect of those with whom we work — attitudinally and actually working with them as fellow professionals instead of as servants, and an expansion of our self-expression and creativity at work so that a human being is not seen as just another cog in the big machine, but is in fact an endlessly creative, organic being who in the right environment will continuously bring to the company so many possibilities that are rarely seen in a rigidly structured system.

Steve Jobs understood thinking outside the box. Very few others have done so. But those who have do understand the never-ending rewards of doing so.

The above are just three of the many aspects to human-based work systems.

The time for this kind of redefinition is now, now, now!

We have to put humans first. Not to do so is to continue hurting people from business’s so-called bottom to so-called top. To do so is to change the entire face of business, and of our planet.

PRE-ORDER “The Human Solution” at www.Publishizer.com/The-Human-Solution and support this revolution of spirit and quality of life in business. Businesses interested in supporting this effort will find BONUS Half- and Full-Day Workshops available as part of their order. If you have questions, I can be reached here: support@GoodbyeGoodGirl.com.



Lori Kirstein

Lori is a Confidence & Communication Business Coach for Women Leaders, and the founder of The Goodbye Good Girl Project.